So close i can almost taste is

oooh its almost time

I'm getting ready
I'm getting all my
belongings ready...

oooh its almost time

i can feel it,
i can hear it
calling me...

i'm packing my stuff,
making sure i leave
nothing behind

i don't wanna look back
i just wanna keep movin
forward, don't wanna
waste any more time

ooooh its almost time

i can feel it
i can hear it
calling me...

This is the road i've
been wanting to travel
on for days, this is the
path that i've always
wanted to take....

Its within my grasp and i'm
soaked in in excitement
i can't believe it!...
years of dreams had
better not be wrong, no..

Now my belongings are
packed and as i open the
door, head down watching
my feet take turns hitting
the ground....

Oooh its HeRe...Its TiMe


  1. mhmm... the picture, the title... just says to my ears "spring cannot fail us" both figrvly& jah.. literaly

  2. heart don't fail me now, courage don't desert me.. don't turn back now tha we're here.....

  3. ja... what you said now is basically the literal meaning of that "spring..." i was thinkin there.

  4. Spring just as beautiful as La more...

  5. i would know that better than though, because i was born in spring time

  6. Well well well what have we here, a spring baby is it

  7. you got that one ryt, a beautiful spring baby!!!


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