The love unexpected...
The love unexpected
The little smile
The tiny hands
The happy eyes
The unexpected love
When you walk through the door,
The joyful and happy person that embraces you.
When you go to the loo and only to learn you have a toilet
That love unexpected
The stories you read,
The stories you are told.
The laughter shared.
The tears, of sadness but mostly
That love unexpected
The rules you create, just to
conveniently break when that little smile appears.
The messy house, sleepless
The sitting and holding of tiny
hands at the hospital.
That heartbreak and fear you feel
at the doctor’s rooms or hospital, your clueless cheerful companion.
That love unexpected
The fridge filled with unfinished
The cupboards filled with junk
that threatens your diet.
The pretend stories, the endless
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