forbidden fruit

Why is that we spend most of our lives chasing after what we cant have and why is it that we can't have it. i mean what is the point of dating someone you can't have? why the hell do they even feature themselves if they know that they are just passing through and you happen to be the passage for them.

its so sad that we spend most of our lives looking for something that doesn't exist or if it does then it requires alot of pain and misery before you even get it and when you do you realise that its just all in your head. bummer coz all that those books that we read promised happily ever after but in reality there is no such thing....

call me a hater but thats just my opinion...sue me......


  1. You are a deep thinker. I am moved by your honesty and the degree to which you are in touch with your feelings. The art is beautiful and stirring. Thank you.


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