Forgive us for our sins

I tried it all , I did my best
but i keep failing, I don't know 
if I'm not praying hard enough
if i don't believe enough 

maybe it was the questions i had, 
would a God who loves his children 
let them suffer so, would he let their prayers 
go unanswered?

Should i have not asked, am i now paying? 
what have i done? was it my past life?
Is it my karmic punishment?

I can not explain it, i do not understand it
I don't have any words except to say 
sleep seems more comforting than reality 
hours of the day seem more daunting than usual

I dread every morning, every day 
my heart beats faster, my pulse races quicker
I anticipate , the humiliation that has been life
The explanations that I have to make daily
The promises broken , because of lies told to me
The guilt that haunts me.
The secret tears that i cry.
The pills I drink every night and morning 
just to get through the day.
The alcohol i consume in attempts to numb myself.

Every night i tell the Lord how grateful I am for the things
and the people i have in my life,
But i ask the lord what what was it that i did , 
for things to turn out the way the are?
I beg, I plead, I bargain, to no avail. 

I'm a walking zombie, fake smiles presented,
my soul slowly dying,
the victim i try so hard not to play,
but the cards that i have been dealt seem to remain the same.

Many say , what is she complaining about?
She has so much, little do they know that every year
I'm dealt a hand that requires me to smile through the tears
to watch and be happy for others while my world is crumbling.

My biggest sin being to want a better life, little options available
My biggest sin being to want to change the world for the struggling
My biggest sin being  able to make others laugh, while my soul slowly dies
wishing a death I don't really want , but life wont let me live.

Books I've read, prayers I've said , the light at the of the tunnel that never comes.
The humiliation i must endure,i don't know what it is or what sin I really committed
that could be so bad...
I know i have it better than others but little do they know, the demons I fight
on a daily basis , the disappointment that seems to follow me everywhere.
God only knows , I live in hope but each day disappointment greets me. 

The mother I cant be to my daughter, my heart bleeds everyday. 
I don't know, my pain , my struggles. 

We must be grateful for life they say, but do they know my struggles, my pains
since I was a little girl.....maybe I'm stupid to believe that as God' s children he should 
treat us equally, maybe I'm stupid for expecting this and not receiving it.


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